About the characteristics, classification and uses of female bras

Female bras are not a new phrase but do you fully understand them? You know, there are more than ten different types of shirts and each kind brings a separate use for the user. It can be said that if choosing the right bra size is essential for health then choosing the right coat design will help you many more beautiful times. So let’s B. Lingerie Learn about these shirts right away through the following article.

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Classification of female bras

If the accuracy, based on the design, the female bra is usually classified into 15 different categories. The most prominent and popular models among them are bras with a frame to help support the maximum breasts, giving you a rounded chest of tension. Or a wireless bra for a wide neck fashion, a medium corset that fits in the ring for the round of one of the bride’s fit body creating a slim waistband,… There are also a pointed blouse, a side-cup shirt, deep-cut blouse,… And some special classification such as:


A Bra that helps to present the most natural beauty

It is also briefly called bra and is often used by many different subjects. It is possible to say, these are the most comfortable shirts on the planet because they do not go as the jacket with the frame also does not carry the thick chest lining causing “breathing” for a round. A bra is wanted to show confidence, be liberal, and love the afternoon itself. However, during the gala evenings, when the body dresses, you should not use a bra because it will make your attraction without showing the curve.

T Shirt

It sounds a little weird but this is a very popular female bra in Europe when it looks at the body T-shirts. The characteristics of these products often have a smooth surface, excluding pattern or attached motifs. The jacket is cleverly sewn to fit along the chest and bust, some high-grade products also get rid of fine sleeves for extra aesthetic.


Women’s bra sports protective round one no saggy

Sports jacket products Help to fix the maximum chest position when participating in sports advocacy sessions. With a robust design, users are allowed to move, move continuously, and still avoid the risk of sagging or chest aches. Sports shirts are usually controllable at different levels depending on the participant. Moreover, the sport products are often quite discreet and neat so the complete wearer may not need any additional layers of jacket. And the jacket is also an ideal choice when traveling with friends.


This kind of bra for women who are in this period of breastfeeding is also known as “nursing”. The design is usually very comfortable, there are no accompanying frames and is sewn with soft material, absorbent. In addition, the product has optimal shrinkage that supports the lid of the chest instead of having to cloak open the rear latch.

Push up

Also known as a breast enhancement jacket, the jacket makes your lap stretch and close together to create the attraction and sexy. The distinctive feature of this design lies in the two pieces inside the jacket which tends to push the chest towards the top. It can be said that, in this way, women will become more mature, but if long time will affect the round one. Because raising the breast in this way will cause the first round to be altered compared to the original shape.

See also: 


How to wear a true female breast enhancement bra

Let the round become plump to wear breast lifting coat

A breast enhancement jacket is used for women who have a round, more intense follicle bloom than usual. It can be seen that big breasts increase the attraction and more times of attraction than small breasts. But it also brings a lot of problems if not carefully cared for. And the breast lifting jacket is a companion for stabilizing the position, avoiding sagging as well as soreness for the big breasts. However, when wearing this jacket it is necessary to pay much attention to the following points:

Shirt size Note

The most important thing is to choose the right size of the shirt, not to choose smaller size for a feeling of compact the breasts. Breasts that do not span enough will spill over two sides of the shirt creating aesthetic loss. More than that, the coat is smaller than the breast, and it is prone to blood circulation and chest pain.

Note the lifting of the garment

In terms of breast enhancement, it is only advisable to choose a breast lift to fit the chest at the right altitude. It is not recommended to use a breast lift as a weapon for two breasts that are close to each other or padded too high. This can be a way for you to get captivating, sexy, but it is also the fastest way to make your breasts become deformed.

Keep balancing the breasts

Keep the same long coat to balance the pair

It is necessary to pay attention when wearing a jacket that must hold two wires of equal length, should not collect one side too difference with the other side. This is the simplest way to balance the sides of a cotton go at equal position. Remember, if the big breasts should be selected, the shirt’s back is slightly larger than normal will help you feel more firmly protected.

Tips for wearing a cordless female bra

The wireless bra is more beloved than the wired type because it allows you to cast more outfits. From straps, shoulder coat, jacket,… Need to use a wireless bra instead of a sloppy coat. However, the downside of Austria lies in that it cannot be too push – up as a breast lifting jacket. In addition, the most likely faults of wireless shirts are very easy if not designed to be the right quality standards. And so, when you want to look at this jacket, you need to pay attention:

Choose quality Coat

B. Lingerie – Women’s safe bra for health

Perhaps with many, the wireless female bra sold at the student price was a good choice by the beautiful code and the fabric is also mellow. But what about wearing? This is a big difference in price because the genuine wireless shirt is designed to go through a lot of elaborate phases.

From design to production to quality inspection are highly recommended for the safety, convenience and comfort of users. Moreover, the material, the color of which is used is achieved the standard before putting into production. So, to have a “cool” wireless bra, you must choose the branded shirt.

Note Select design

The big difference of the wireless shirt and other female bras is the design of the back. Instead of having two bands on the positioning shoulder, the coat will enhance the adhesion in the back. In particular, the jacket is usually wider and is combined with other bands of silicon or other material to keep it from being undamaged. The Keep-off section can also be designed to add back hook back to the front chest and can create a more cramped feel than usual.

Use body milk

A small tip for wearing a “successful” bra is to add traction to the jacket with the torso. To do this, you should apply the back to a small amount of body milk, especially in the contact with the bra itself. The moisture that the lotion can bring will be the catalyst to help the coat more tightly over the long day. However, because the wireless bra is rather more cramped than the other, it is not regularly worn to better blood circulation.

See also: 


How to wear a female bra drawstring

DrawString jacket to help you camouflage a ring

As one of the children’s bra favorites, the drawstring coat is a superproduct to make the round appeal for one, including the “Bulgarian” ring. In this product, the coat, the back is not very much changed, only the part between the two breasts is equipped with the straps and drawstring. With just a rope operation, the pair will be raised and the other makes a sense of louder than usual. Of course to support this, the jacket is also equipped with extra thick or thin foam coats.

Often used for small breasts

Women who have a modest round often associate with the type of female drawstring bra to help round a momentum over the fashion area. And in order to maximize the effect, it is recommended to choose a thicker type of foam for a fuller push. Besides, the ladies who had a pretty good round can still beautify with a cord robe. However, it is best to choose just the right type of foam jacket to get the most natural physique.

Choose the right size

The mistake of many of you choosing a drawstring jacket is to always buy bigger than one size to create a bigger chest feel. In fact, the bra is designed to have a balance size for the breasts, the choice of size louder will increase the feeling of loose and cause the person to take naturally.

Moderate withdrawal

Excessive momentum with female bra drawstring will affect the chest

The more pull-in-chest bra makes us more confident about the beauty of ourselves. But in order to be good for the body, it is best not to be overly drawn in size by incredibly harmful to a round. Firstly, the bundle is too tight to limit blood circulation and numb, chest pain. Secondly, the breasts are not in the right position of the contrary, but will be quickly deformed and softened.

How to wear sports bra

Choose a shirt with appropriate adjustments

The sports bra must be comfortable and adjust well

Each sports bra has always brought in herself a mission to protect women from avoiding the risk of sagging and stabilizing the chest for movement. And for high-level shirt lines, “Mobility” is calculated in many levels, namely:

  • Gentle mobility: Need a sports bra to be adjusted normally
  • Moderate mobility: Need sports bra to adjust the chest stability
  • Strong mobility: Need optimal sports bra to be adjusted

It can be said that this is absolutely reasonable because it will be annoying if wearing a jacket that is too tight for yoga or meditating. Also pay attention to:

Note the absorbent, stretchy

It should be further noted when choosing the type of female athletic bra is their absorbent, elastic. While permeability absorbs the body is always dry and comfortable, the elasticity allows for a more dynamic, free movement. This is also a very essential element of the current sporting fashion.

Do not wear too tight

Many people are conceptually advised to wear a tight athletic female bra for easy workout. As stated, once the jacket has been selected, wearing a tight jacket is not a problem. By the positioning design of the garment is fully optimized by the professional designers. Wearing a tight jacket only makes you more choking if it’s fast and continuous.

See also: 


Wearing a bra when wearing a wedding dress

Choose the pattern of wearing a female bra with wedding dresses

Need to choose the pattern of a coat based on wedding design

Simply calculating a little, you will realize that there is no need for headaches to think about how the bra is designed. What you need to take care of is that you have to choose a wedding dress and based on the model of a new wedding that decides where you need to be. Accordingly, if the wedding gown is sealed, you can choose a wired breast lifting jacket; With a shoulder-slits, you can look inside the corset for a more beautiful body,…

Coloured female bra with wedding dress

The first advice for those preparing to choose a shirt wearing a general dress with a wedding dress is always to choose a colouring to get the same sync. This is more important for thin-cloth wedding dresses, which incorporate a hole-like lace pattern or no shoulder. By just a little negligence, the other coloured underwear will be immediately exposed and make you lose aesthetics.

Choosing simple and slippery shirt designs

A slippery bra that is more suitable for wearing wedding dresses

For easier wedding dresses, you should not choose the type of female bra that has many decorations or applique because it is not necessary in this context and cause many obstacles.

Note the size

Your underwear should be picked up to the wedding day to ensure you are not worn by the wedding stage very susceptible to weight loss. Or, if you have to buy from before, choose a shirt that can be adjusted for room size when needed.

How to wear a breast feeding bra

Maybe you ladies have not seen much but lactating female bras are quite popular and very handy. Instead of each time the milk is given to me, the mother must take off her coat, the lactating bra is intelligent designed with a chest flap right in front. Therefore, the mother has a lot of comfort and convenience when used. However, the wearer must still note the following points:

Choose a soft coat, safe material

Women’s bra material has a much more impact on health

Bras in the period of breastfeeding are absolutely advised to choose the type of high quality of material. This ensures that the softness of the ring helps the mother to become comfortable, relaxed, and unconstrained. Moreover, the good material itself helps protect the baby’s milk source to be safer.

Mainly for cloaking of breasts

It should be remembered, breastfeeding bras are aimed at covering the protection of cleanliness for the breasts therefore do not overly pay attention to aesthetics, unless right out. The wearer needs to focus more on the correct size, or want to comfortably wear more than one size.

Absorbent well

Lactating female bras need high absorbent ability to keep the first round dry, avoiding the outflow of milk. In addition, the wearer needs to regularly change clothes and wipe the chest to keep hygiene every day, avoid affecting the child.

How to choose the right bra for the pose

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Female bras need to coordinate co-ordinations with costumes

To get the bra that fits the pose also means they must coordinate best with the outside costume. To do this, you need to be aware of many factors:

  • The jacket color should match the inner coat color, in most cases it is necessary to wear a colouring for synchronization, aesthetics and avoiding reflections.
  • Dress properly in size to be able to monitor chest legs, breast and back boards. It is absolutely better to keep away from the coat because it will affect the wider health and coat because it does not fix the breasts well. Do your chest measurements carefully before deciding on the shirt size to buy.

Bra sizes

The standard bra size should be used with the top of the chest, the bust and the opposite table:

Table Size Standard Female bra

In short, what you should remember about the female bra is the right size, correct style and true color. These are the top criteria for ensuring the health and beauty of the first round. Wish you success!

Contact information

  • Fashion brand B. Lingerie
  • Phone Number: 090 666 6946 (Zalo/Viber)
  • Address: 539 lot R, Doan van Bo, Ward 9, District 4, HCM City Hcm
  • Website: https://blingerie.vn/

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